Reliance Jio introduced the 'Summer Surprise' Offer, and suspended it soon enough after a notice from the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). The offer allowed Prime subscribers to avail three months of free benefits for the price of one month, however, that offer is now suspended, and has been removed from the company's site. Instead, Reliance Jio has now updated its website to announce that it will introduce new tariff packs and some "exciting offers" soon to kill the disappointment of the sudden Jio 'Summer Surprise' Offer suspension.
Details on these new tariff packs are scarce at the moment, but they are speculated to arrive soon to entice disappointed customers who were unable to subscribe.
For now, the Jio Prime membership and the Summer Surprise offer has been removed from the website, but users can still get Jio Prime and Jio summer combo offer still from JioMoney app. However, there is no option to just buy the Jio Prime membership only for Rs. 99 in the JioMoney app as well. Instead, subscribers have to buy it as a bundled pack with the Rs. 303 and Rs. 499 recharge in order to avail the Jio Summer Surprise offer.
Jio has extended the deadline of becoming a Jio Prime member to April 15, after which, we presume the bundled Summer Surprise offer on the Jio Money app will also be abandoned. Before this, Reliance Jio has offered seven months of free data and voice calling to all of its users, gaining record number of subscriber base in the country. We expect that these new tariff plans and offers to be as lucrative as the Summer Surprise Offer, if not more.
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